The FreeDOS Project
Site images

For those of you who are not aware, UNISYS has decided to now charge license fees for all web sites that use GIF graphics. This will even apply to the FreeDOS web site, especially if you contribute a GIF graphic and we have no idea if your software is properly licensed through UNISYS. So we are now in the process of converting all web graphics over to another form. JPG has been chosen for now, although we may move to PNG depending on how many browsers will support this. For more information about the GIF patents and why it is bad for free software, visit the Why no GIFs page on GNU.
[ See also: How to make a banner ad ]

Want to include some of the FreeDOS Project graphics on your own site? Feel free to download these:


FreeDOS Logo
Designed by Hannibal Toal, this is the original FreeDOS logo that is featured across the site.

FreeDOS Logo #2
Designed by Jim Hall, a slight take on the original FreeDOS logo. The xpm version is ideal for use in a Linux desktop button for DOSEmu.

FreeDOS Logo #3
Designed by Alexander Krame.

Powered by FreeDOS
A simple 120x60 icon that says 'Powered by FreeDOS' for use on any web pages for apps that run on FreeDOS. (Also available in png.)

Powered by FreeDOS #2
A Pov-ray 'Powered by FreeDOS' icon for web pages for apps that run on FreeDOS. By Jon Gentle.


Banner #1
A new FreeDOS banner ('Get in control!') by Pedro Carvalho Ramilo.

Banner #2
Designed by Jim Hall.

Banner #3
Designed by Jim Hall.

Banner #4
Designed by Jim Hall.

Banner #5
Designed by Jim Hall.

Banner #6
I have since lost the email address of the guy who did this one. (Originally, a rotating GIF banner ad. Hope he doesn't mind that I had to convert it to jpeg.)

"Free your DOS"
A cool new banner by Larry Carlile.

"Remember when.."
New banner by Neato

"Free Power-Free DOS"
A new banner by Alexander Kramer

"Come to feel free"
A new banner by Alexander Kramer

"DOS the way it should be"
Yet Another New Banner (that's what the he called it!) by Louis P. Santillan. Also available as Jpeg.

What do you want to boot today?
A nice web banner for FreeDOS by Benjamin Teugels.

Want to know what Freedom means?
A FreeDOS link web banner from Pedro C. Ramilo.


"Born to be free"
Designed by Jari Tapio Tuominen.

FreeDOS "DOS Prompt"
Designed by Alessio Palma. I modified it only a little bit to add the FreeDOS URL. Previously, Alessio had my name in there.

Fragments coming together to form FreeDOS. By Glyn Hughes. Also available as PNG. A cropped version is also available as a banner.


Download button
By Comard P., a simple "Download FreeDOS" button.

Download button
A web page button for downloading FreeDOS, by Eugene Wong.

Download button
A web page button to download the FreeDOS Beta4. By Jim Hall.

FreeDOS Beta4 button
Dowload button for the FreeDOS Beta4 (lemur) distribution. By Louis P. Santillan. Also available as a Jpeg

FreeDOS Beta4 button
Dowload button for the FreeDOS distribution. By Louis P. Santillan. Also available as a Jpeg

How to add these images to your web site

It is best if you download your own copy of whatever graphic you want to use. That way, if we rearrange our /images directory, your links to our graphics won't break. You can save a local copy of an image by clicking the right mouse button, with most browsers, and selecting "Save Image As..".

Once you have a local copy of a FreeDOS graphic, use this HTML to include it on your web page:

<img src="fd-logo.jpg">

Or, if you prefer to have a border around your image, use this:

<img src="fd-logo.jpg" border=2>

You may want to use the image to link to our site. Buttons and banners are very useful for this.

<a href=""><img src="fd-button.jpg" border=2></a>

I hope you enjoy the FreeDOS images!
